Fall Newsletter
Hi everyone,
We seem to have enjoyed a beautiful extended summer but hopefully now we are all ready to undertake some hiking before the onset of winter!
Your Club has experienced its normal slower summer pace but the Board of Directors has been meeting, and has taken the opportunity to open up our membership again for new members. This is only for 2 weeks from October 1st (its very time consuming to leave membership open all year). The board has also reviewed the useful results and comments from the recent membership survey. As the weeks go by we will try to incorporate as many of the suggestions as we can. A big thank you to all those who participated.
The Leaders are often challenged to find hikes that appeal to a wide range of people and, of course, forest fires over the past few years have made that task even more difficult. If you know of hikes that you would like to see put on again please send a quick e-mail to info@kamloopshikingclub.net and we will try and get them on to the schedule. It certainly is encouraging to see the number of hikers slowly increasing again, supporting our hike leader’s efforts in organizing hikes
By the way, we shouldn’t forget all the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to keep the hiking club alive whether it be with memberships, communications,website work, finance issues or leading hikes. Let’s give them all a big Shout Out and let’s all get out and enjoy the Fall!
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