November/December Newsletter
The Club opened up mid season registration due to inquiries and interest. We had 10 new members who joined – Welcome! Please note we do have a Facebook page, “Kamloops Hiking Club – Members Only”. This is an opportunity to add your pictures and see the other’s pictures of the hikes (only 3 pictures are taken from these posts and put on the public Facebook page). If any members are having any website issues, please reach out to for assistance.
October brought some cooler weather to hike in and the club had 15 events posted – some weekday, weekday evening and weekend hiking. The Board is trying out a new format called “Alt-Hikes”. These events will be posted 2-3 days out as often the weather or daily lives are a factor in deciding on participation. Our club’s vibrancy is dependent on Membership Participation – if you have any suggestions for improvement, concerns to be brought to the Board, event ideas to be considered, or require general information, please reach out to You can also reach out through messenger on Facebook to Denise Magrath.
The club is also dependent and deeply grateful to our Hike Leaders. If membership is interested in becoming a hike leader, there is information on the website under “Leaders” of how KHC supports our Leaders. Monika Taki is the contact person and her information is under this heading as well. You could start by co-leading an event, and as the position is volunteer you can lead events as your schedule allows. The advantage is you get to choose the hikes you wish to go on!
On the first hike in November, we saw snow in the hills so it is time to dust off skis and snowshoes. Winter is coming! The club does post winter events, so please check the website often.
With winter coming, so is Christmas. As a member, you are eligible for discounts on gear at various vendors. For the information, look under “Club Info” and then “Vendor Discounts”. Volunteers have tried to make it seamless, and hoping you can take advantage of these discounts. Start getting your wish list together!
Wishing you safe and wonderful adventures on the trails!