The Guardsmen Hike
Kamloops Hiking Club
Posted on by Darlene Clark
Sun. Mar. 2nd
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
WHERE/Location (link)
Event Type(s)
- Hike Leader(s) - Darlene Clark
- Contact -
- Distance - 11 km
- Difficulty - Moderate
- Note(s)-
This will be exploratory as we ascertain trail conditions along the way. Trail starts at the Mara trail head, stears up the road and down to the river. Some steep road and narrow trail as we head into the river area.
Bring cleats/spikes. Be prepared for mud. Dress in layers. If it is raining, we may change the route as steep sections in mud cluld be challenging.
We will stop for lunch at the river and enjoy the view under the guardsmen.
Do we meet at trail head?
You bet. At the Mara Trailhead.
Is everyone familiar with the Mara Trailhead parking lot? It’s not too many of us, so we can park there. Tranquille Road, just past the train track crossing at Padova. On the right. Please do not block the rancher gate.