Step 1: Complete Membership Registration Form.

Renewing KHC members can skip this step.

IMPORTANT: Please read the following carefully before completing your registration form:

    • Please remember that the name on the registration form needs to match the name entered on the e-Waiver.   Please proofread and correct typos before submitting the forms.
    • Your email address links you to your individual KHC membership, your user account, your Smart Waiver, and your login rights to book into KHC events.   Make sure your email address is current, unique and accurately registered.  Couples need two unique registrations and emails (a requirement of the system).
    • If you complete this Membership form, you will be considered to be in agreement with the Kamloops Hiking Club Guidelines and Expectations. Click Guidelines and Expectations to review to them.

To create a Membership Form, click the following link ** Membership Form **.