The new website was created by Doug Smith with the assistance of Frith, Doug M, Monika & Erika and the board and was launched April 1, 2024. The new website replaces our old website which displayed erratic behaviour that we were unable to fix. Refer to Website – Known Issues for more details.
Everyone will need to set up a password for the new site.
- In the Login section select Lost your Password? or from the website menu go to Your Account, Recover Password
- In the Recover Password section enter your username or email and you will receive a link via email to reset your password.

- After login press View Site on the bluehost screen to get to the KHC website landing page.
At this time, the following functionality works on the new site but some of the pages may look a little different.
- Create an Event from the ‘My Events’ page (under Leaders) which is a new page or from the ‘Event Posting and Tips’ page. Note: If you use the ‘My Events’ page the event will be automatically published. You can still edit the event and if needed you can change the Status from ‘Published’ to ‘Draft’ to remove it from the Landing page.
- We will no longer be asking leaders to add a featured image for an event. There were problems with the image sizes, formats, and metadata with the old system. Now, once you choose a location/trail, that image will automatically be inserted for you and added to the Upcoming Events listing. We can adjust the image for seasonal times.
- You can add an image, map, video, etc. into the body of your event listing, but please make sure your images are resized (2050 px max high or wide). We will be installing a program that will resize all images when uploaded. You can also just add an image from the media library. All of the images are the right size and format.
- If you add a Featured Event Image to an event that doesn’t have a preset location image the image will be displayed in the Event but will not appear on the Upcoming Event List.
- You can edit your event in the same way as before.
- Event bookings work the same way and will display on your event.
- You can add additional bookings the same way but need to accept the guidelines & data consent & the override for each booking you add.
We are working on fixing and improving the following functionality
- We do not have the cancel event bookings functionality working properly yet so attendees are unable to view & cancel their events from the Event (Manage My Bookings) or from the My Bookings page. Currently, the My Bookings list does not show all the bookings and the Cancel button is missing. For the interim period, members can cancel by commenting on the event or by contacting the hike leader who can cancel them from their event.
- Hike Leaders no longer have access to the Emergency Contact & Emergency Contact Phone # of their event attendees when they go to the Manage Bookings as we are currently working on making the information visible. The Printable View Page also does not contain the Emergency Contact Name & Phone Number and this was also broken on our old site.
- The Facebook Feed is not configured/setup on the site.
- The Newsletter is no longer displayed on the Landing Page and the subscription to send it by email to subscribed users when it’s posted has not been setup/configured.
- The ’10 Essentials for Hiking’ is no longer displayed on the event above the Register Now.
- Hike Leader bio information from the old site was not transferred to the new site. Hike Leaders can add it by going to Your Account, Edit Profile, About You.
Additional information
- Every one that signs into the new website will need to reset their password.
- Hike Leaders will need to create all their events from scratch as historical data (previous events, bookings, newsletters and club updates & the image/media library) from the old site have not been imported to the new site. The only data that was transferred was the Users, Menu pages and Locations & their images.
- The old website will be kept online for a few months for our website admins and will have a redirect to the new site for everyone else.
- PDFs were created for the 2020-24 historical Event data added to the Past Events page as the information could not be exported/imported to the new website
- Previously newsletter posts were sent to individuals that subscribed to the site. Currently this functionality is not setup on the website.
- The new site contains only Events from April, 2024. All events that were posted as tests or on both sites the week before we went live were deleted.
Please reach out to Doug Morris or if you have any questions or if you need help with posting, editing, and managing events.
Revision History
- Apr 7, 2024 – DS – Created a widget the Backpacks & camps & removed them from the Upcoming Events that are displayed on the landing page.
- Apr 7, 2024 – MT – Because we are no longer using the Starbox functionality which displayed a Hike Leader profile/bio (which only a few hike leaders added) on the Hike Leader Profile page we combined the page with the Hike Leader Contact Information page.
- Apr 6, 2024 – MT – the deleted events that previously displayed in Calendars (Events, Event Calendar) and the Calendar on the landing/homepage have now been deleted and the issue of deleted events reappearing has been fixed. Added a bit of information regarding Event Featured Images for events.
- Apr 5, 2024 – MT added instructions on how to add Hike Leader Bio (About You) information
- Apr 1, 2024 – MT updated Emergency Contact Information & the need to click on View Site from the blue host screen.
- Mar 31, 2024 – MTaki updated the information on the page & sent email to all the Hike Leaders with the link.