Red Plateau

Location Information:
Access from the Dewdrop Range via steep trails, from the Tranquille- Criss Creek Road to Jag Hill, or from the Red Plateau Forest Service Road (high clearance)
- Tranquille Road > Red Lake-Criss Creek Road > left turn onto the Red Plateau FSR > trailheads are unmarked
- after 7.5 km the road leaves the park and logging may be active
- there is a network of double tracks, all unsigned; it takes a few trips to work out all the linkages to the trails
- access for JAG Hill, the Dewdrop Trail, Castle Butte, the Dewdrop Traverse, and the Escarpment trail
- a number of articles on this area can be found on
- leaders must explore the area before taking groups onto the plateau
More Information:
- article – Red Plateau
The Pimple parking area and the turn to Red Plateau FSR: