Six Mile Area

Location Information:
Access to routes from several points:
- TransCanada Highway West > pass Tobiano > turn left onto a rough dirt road
- TransCanada Highway > rest Stop > Six Mile rec area informal routes
- Six Mile Lake Road > Brussels Hills
- it can also be accessed from the west side from the Tunkwa Lake Road
- most fishermen and recreationalists come up the old road from the east and park near the lake
- there are a number of routes on both sides of the lake
- much of the area is private lands, but the owners tolerate walkers and hikers (our thanks to Indian Gardens Ranch)
- KHC members are asked to respect signage, close gates, avoid encounters with grazing cattle, and to practice no impact hiking
More Information:
- KamloopsTrails – Six Mile Rambles
- KamloopsTrails – Six Mile Hills
- Alltrails – Six Mile Loop
- one route:

D.Smith map